
We have more PDF files available then we could ever place on this website.

In our experience, they are invaluable in terms of illustration and explanation.

As we consult, depending on your location, needs and situation, there are many more we can share and hopefully review with you.

  1. Medicare and You
  2. Applying Direct [BlueCross / BlueShield]
  3. Billing Errors Service
  4. Cancer DrugsClaim (PPO Discount)
  5. Continued Service
  6. Department Charge Summary
  7. Doctor visit discount - no co-pay
  8. Golden Rule Insurance Card [Golden Rule - sample image]
  9. Grievance Appeal [Humana - sample letter]
  10. Guidance and Service (advise / information)
  11. HMO Hell
  12. Hospital Lien
  13. Humana Insurance Cards [Humana]
  14. Ineligible health conditions
  15. NAHU letter
  16. Net quote learning center
  17. Out of Net Work Deductible
  18. Presecription Receipts
  19. Tax Deduction
  20. Tests [sample bill]
  21. Tests 2 [sample bill]
  22. Ulterior Motive
  23. What needs to be covered?